Photo of Queen Elizabeth II and dates of her birth, death

R.I.P. Queen Elizabeth II

Yesterday we reached the end of an era with the passing of Queen Elizabeth II. It was sad to hear the news and now her family and people worldwide are mourning the loss.

Even though I never met her, and I’m not particularly a raving fan of the Royal family, I felt a deep sense of loss on hearing the news. Perhaps it was because of my dad insisting that the whole family watch the Queens speech on Christmas day when I was a child growing up. Or perhaps it was because she was gracious and relentless in her commitment to her role.

The longest reigning monarch this country has seen, she has welcomed 15 Prime Ministers into the role, including the most recent Liz Truss, just 2 days before she died.

Given her age, and her recent health issues, it was inevitable that this day would come, but it is emotional none the less. For many she signifies something constant and solid. Someone who has always been there. She was a woman grounded in her Christian faith and totally dedicated to her role as Queen, with a strong sense of duty and service.

Yes, historic atrocities carried out by the Royal Family over the years have led to many of the divides, and power and wealth imbalances we see in the world today. And this should be addressed. But whether you are a royalist, anti-monarchist, or somewhere in-between, she was a mother, grandmother, and great grandmother, who was loved. She will be missed not only by her family, but by people all over the world.

Rest in peace Queen Elizabeth II.


First published on LinkedIn.

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