Group of senior women leaders seated around a table enjoying their Christmas meal

Introverted Women Leaders I Need Your Help, Plus Reflections for the Christmas Period

As we draw close to the end of 2022, if you are taking time off during the festive period, make sure you practice self-care, and make time for self-reflection.

Self-care and self-reflection are not just for this time of year, it should be something that is practised all year round. For many women, this is easier said than done. Juggling a demanding job with family life, often means their personal needs end up at the bottom of the list.

However, as the saying goes, you can’t pour from an empty cup, so make sure that you keep your cup full.

Whilst you are reflecting, this week I share some things for you to reflect on. But first of all, before I do that, I need your help. I am looking for introverted women leaders to take part in a research study that I am doing.

My research will look at what the experience of belonging and psychological safety at work is for introverted women leaders. Psychological safety is described as a belief that you will not be punished or humiliated for speaking up with ideas, questions, concerns, or mistakes.

It helps individuals to feel valued, and included, and that they are able to contribute, and express their concerns and vulnerabilities without judgement. The findings could be used to support workplaces in making sure that they are inclusive towards introversion.

If you are an introverted woman and a leader and fit the criteria in the flyer below and would like to take part, please email me at my university email address

Please note, existing or previous clients are excluded.

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In your email please indicate how you meet the criteria and where you are located. Interviews will commence mid to late January.

Thank you for your support


It is that time of year when many of us are winding down and taking time out for the Christmas and new year break. Whilst you are preparing for the festive season, here are a few things for you to reflect on.

Remember the reason for the season

The reason behind why we celebrate Christmas is fast becoming unknown for many. The message has become diluted and, in many cases, even lost as it becomes more about consumerism. For many children, all they know Christmas as, is a time to get. Making their lists of what they want for Christmas months in advance, many will get lots of presents that will get used once and be forgotten about in the year ahead.

Even if you are not a Christian, even if you don’t believe in Jesus, it is worth reflecting on the message behind what the Christmas story signifies, namely love, hope, peace, and joy. If we all lived these virtues and expressed them to each other, what a better place the world would be.

How do these show up in your life? How do you express them to not just your immediate family and friends, but also your colleagues, your neighbours, and the wider community?

All it takes is a shift in our thinking for us to express love, peace, joy, and hope to everyone. Imagine what it would be like if we did. There would be no need for diversity and inclusion strategies and agendas.

Reach out to someone who is alone

Loneliness and social isolation are harmful to our health. In fact, research suggests that lacking social connections is as damaging to our health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day. Social networks and friendships not only have an impact on reducing the risk of mortality or developing certain diseases, but they also help individuals to recover when they do fall ill.

Whilst there are some who prefer to be on their own at Christmas, there are many who do not. The only reason they spend it alone is that they have no one to spend it with.

If you know someone who is going to be on their own this Christmas, why not extend an invite and set another place at the table for them? And don’t just let this be something you do once a year. Throughout the year think about what you can do for those who are lonely and feeling isolated.

Enjoy yourself

For some people, this time of year can be stressful. Having to contend with a demanding job on top of organising Christmas and all it entails can take the enjoyment out of it.

Some people put a lot of pressure on themselves at this time of year trying to please everyone. Put in place personal boundaries and take some of that extra pressure off yourself. Give yourself the freedom to have some fun and enjoy this time of year.

Speaking of fun, I had fun this afternoon with Jenny Garrett OBE CInstLM FRSA Sasi Panchal M.A. Hira Ali Joseph Ogbonna PCC, FRSA Sadia Salam Martha CuffyLawren VA Services and Marie Loney, fellow coaches on the Diverse Executive Coach Directory as can be seen in the photo for this newsletter. A great community of Executive Coaches, for organisations looking for ethnically diverse coaches.

Over the festive period, spend some quality ‘me’ time, reflecting and reviewing the year that has gone, and preparing yourself to embrace the year ahead. This week's podcast will also help with this (see below).

And finally, one more thing for you to reflect on, if we all do our part to create environments where everyone feels psychologically safe and that they belong, everyone would feel included.

To those of you who celebrate it, I wish you a Merry Christmas. To those of you who don’t, however you spend the Christmas period, I wish you all the best. And to all of you, I wish you peace, joy, love and hope throughout the Christmas season and the year ahead.

Thank you to everyone who has subscribed, read, liked, commented, or shared the Quietly Visible newsletter over the past year on LinkedIn. The subscription has grown to over 106,000 of you and I appreciate every single one of you. Your constant interaction and engagement encourages me to keep on writing. And not only that, but your comments also encourage and inspire others who read them.

 The newsletter will be back at the end of the first week in January.


First published on LinkedIn.

If you are an introverted woman and a senior leader and want to increase your confidence, influence and impact, take my free assessment and get a report identifying areas to develop. You can take the assessment here.

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