woman, sat in bed, working on laptop late at night

Does a Good Work/Life Balance Really Exist For Today’s Woman?

We are often told that in order to live a happy, healthy, fulfilled life, we need to have a good work/life balance.  But with all the pressures coming at us from society, from the media, from trying to keep up with the Jones’s etc, is it really possible for today’s woman to have a good work/life balance?

What does a good work/life balance look like anyway?  To balance something means that something is suspended with equal weight at either side.  So when looking at it in these terms, in order to have a good work/life balance, we should be spending equal proportions of our time and effort at work as we do with our personal lives.

In reality this does not happen

The reality is that in today’s times, unless you’re not going to give in to the demands society places on you, this is just not going to happen.

What we can do though is make sure that we are focusing on the things that really matter to us and make sure that we make the time to nurture and look after those.

In practice, this means we have to make sacrifices and either let certain things go or put them on hold so that we can reconnect with what really matters to us.  Take a look at the things you are striving for, the reasons why you want them, what having them means to you and what they bring into your life.

If you are striving to reach the C-Suite, the reality is that in this fast ever changing pace of a world we live in, the demands placed on you will be high if your company is to stay ahead of the game because at the end of the day, the buck will stop with you.

Unless the rest of the western world slows down, are you prepared to make a stand and be a beacon for change, so that others do the same?

If you are juggling too many balls, you cannot give everything 100% of your energy, time and focus without something crashing.  Besides, juggling too many things for too long can be stressful and will eventually take its toll on your health, not to mention your relationships.

Are you prepared to make a sacrifice?

Are you prepared to sacrifice the things that are not so important for the things that really matter to you?  Are you prepared to put on hold things that you would like to pursue because there are simply not enough hours in the day to do everything?

There are only 24 hours in a day and if you are to have a healthy balanced life, it means proportioning your time according to what is important to you. It also means that you need to be aware of when that balance tips and is no longer healthy so that you can do something about it.

What does a good work/life balance look like anyway?

Whilst a lot of companies have introduced (or are introducing) family friendly policies and flexible working policies so that employees can have a better work/life balance, do these go far enough?

What about the busy entrepreneur for whom running a business can be a 24/7 requirement?

For me, a good work/life balance means that I get to spend sufficient time doing the things that I find meaningful and enjoy. It means that I don’t feel like I am neglecting aspects of the things in my life that are important. It means that there will be times when, because of demand, less important things get put on hold. But it is also about recognising when to draw the line.  In practice, this is not always easy, but for me it is about recognising when something is out of sync and doing something to address it.

All work and no play is not a good thing, neither is all play and no work

All work and no play does not bode well for your fulfilment and well being, even if you do love the work that you do. Stepping away from your work and making time to have fun, relax, spend time with loved ones, enables you to go back feeling refreshed and with a fresh pair of eyes.

Likewise, all play and no work will not pay the bills or afford you the lifestyle that you so want.

When you have a demanding workload, it can be easy to place all your focus on that, to the exclusion of other things in your life.  But sometimes, no matter how hard or how long you work at it, the workload remains constantly the same.

In situations like this, it means finding effective ways to manage your workload, not burning yourself out trying to stay on top of it.

What do you want your legacy to be?

For me it is about spending my time doing the things that really matter to me. Doing things that matter means that I am doing the things that fulfil me. Whilst I don’t always get it right, I know what is important to me.  

Fast forward to your 90th birthday party and you’re recollecting what you have done over your life.  What are the things that you want to be remembered for?  What are the things you wish you had done? Do you wish you had spent more time working, more time having fun, more time with loved ones? What is it that you need to do so that you get that balance in your life now?

What does a good work/life balance mean to you? Do you already have a good balance?

Originally Published on LinkedIn

Photo by Victoria Heath on Unsplash

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