Older female senior leader with cup of tea talking to younger male senior leader also holding cup of tea

5 Career Tips For Women Forty Five and Over

Not only do we women have to contend with the challenges of smashing the glass ceiling, we are now seeing headlines stating that at 45 years old, we are past it as far as our careers go.

At 45 women are typically at a stage where they are in a position to be able to throw themselves into their careers. But to be told that you're now too old is not only disheartening, it can be very discouraging.

Seeing headlines like this does not instil a lot of confidence for the women that fit this age bracket and does not give hope to the ones that are fast approaching it.

Retirement age in the UK is currently 65 and rising, so how can 45 be considered past it when there is still 20 or more years to go?

If you are aged 40+ and you think that you are getting passed over for the roles you want because of your age, here are 5 career tips to remind you that you are still incredible and that you are still on top of your game.

1. You are more resilient

It's good to be middle-aged, things don't matter so much, you don't take it so hard when things happen to you that you don't like - Eleanor Roosevelt

By the time you get to your 40s, you are more likely to have had several knock backs, been through considerable change and have had to adapt to adversity and move with the times. Over the years you will have learnt to develop coping strategies in order to continue moving forward in your career.

Organisations need resilient employees and with the constant fast pace of change, being able to navigate through uncertainty is an attractive quality.

Emphasise this quality when applying for roles, showing the advantage that it brings to an organisation that is facing change.

2. With maturity brings wisdom

Like a fine wine, the qualities a mature person can bring to an organisation can be full of depth and substance. Having a wealth of experience not only brings knowledge to a role, you bring valuable insight, sound judgement and understanding.

A vast array of experience increases empathy and having been through a host of challenges you're more likely to remain calm in a crisis.

If you think that your age is a barrier, remind yourself of the depth of experience and knowledge you have. Such experience and knowledge can only be gained with the passage of time.

You are a valuable asset to an organisation and don’t let anything convince you otherwise.

3. Check out the environment

If you find that you are being turned down for roles and believe it is because of your age, remember, there are laws to protect against this type of discrimination. However, if it is done subtly, this may be difficult to prove.

If an organisation does not value you because of your age, do you really want to work there? There are many other organisations that value the benefits that having a diverse workforce brings and this includes those of a mature age.

You can check this out by taking a look at the people that work within the organisation. Is there a diverse range of people at all levels? Speak to people that work there and find out what the culture is like.

4. You can have a successful, fulfilling career

Chances are, by the time you get to your 40s, you're more likely to know what you want from what you don't want and be at a stage of life where you want to be your authentic self.

Doing work that is authentic to you is more fulfilling and if you feel fulfilled with your work you are more motivated, more productive and your life is so much richer.

Don’t be put off by the headlines like the ones mentioned and don’t let them sow seeds of doubt in your mind. It only needs to be a problem if you let it be. Yes, you may face obstacles because of your age but how you choose to respond will determine the outcome.

If you are unsure about what you really want, a good place to start is to look at your valuesand looking at what is important to you. Your values go to the core of who you are and it is helpful to take them in to account when thinking about the kind of work that you want to do.

5. If you're tired of the rat race, start your own business

If you're tired of the barriers you face because of your age, you can always start your own business. When you are running your own business there will be no barriers because of your age, apart from the ones you place on yourself.

You have a wealth of skills and experience gained over the years that you can bring to your own business. Skills that you may have forgotten you had can be brought to the surface and utilised.

Yes, there are challenges running a business and it is not necessarily an easy road but it can be very rewarding. You may find that you work longer hours but when you are doing it for yourself, it makes a big difference. What you put in will determine what you get out.

If starting a business is something you wish to consider, get support and advice. Do your planning and do your research to see if this is an option worth pursuing.

At 45, you still have many years ahead of you so don’t let headlines that say that you’re past it make you feel insecure or start to self doubt. At 45 not only do you have the value of what you have gained in your career so far, you still have an exciting, fulfilling career ahead of you. Whether this be continuing on the path you are currently on, or carving out a new career for yourself at this stage of your life.

What are the challenges that you have faced in your career because of your age? How did you address them? 

Originally Published on LinkedIn

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