Abounding Solutions

It’s Not Too Late To Change Career

I regularly get approached by women in their forties and fifties who think that it is too late for them to change their career and pursue something that they are passionate about. My response to them is always the same, you are not too old to make a career change and to find something more fulfilling. For many women making a mid-life career change is something that they would love to do but don’t have the courage to do it.


Making a career change in their forties can be daunting, frightening, and even stressful for some women. Some women lack the confidence to make such a move because of their fears. With the current level of job cuts, many women are being forced to make career changes where they probably previously would not have.

Below are 5 common fears that women in their forties face when making a career change and ways in which these fears can be overcome.

5 Tips to Help You Move from Public Sector to Self-Employment at Mid-Life

In November 2011 the Office for Budget Responsibility predicted that there will be 710,000 public sector redundancies by 2017.

In February of this year, the Institute of Fiscal Studies predicted this to be over 1 million which is 300,000 more than originally predicted by the Office for Budget Responsibility.

The public sector that was once considered a secure place to work has seen considerable cuts resulting in significant numbers of job losses over recent times…