Join the 5-Day Challenge to Help Introverted Women Overcome Self-Doubt, Imposter Syndrome, and a Lack of Self-Confidence

In a survey that I did when carrying out research for my book Quietly Visible: Leading With Influence and Impact as an Introverted Woman, 73% of introverted women who were senior leaders said that they experienced self-doubt.

These women had achieved great things in their careers yet still doubted themselves. This negatively affected their self-confidence and their ability to be assertive, speak up, exude leadership presence, and have influence and impact to the fullest level that they were capable of.

For introverted women starting out in their leadership journey, not yet having had the lived experience of many years of leadership, I find that these challenges are magnified for them. Uncertainty and fears about the unknown, fuel the negative self-talk.

This is where my free 5-Day Mind Cleanse can help. It is a 5-day challenge that will help you change the unhelpful, negative thoughts and beliefs you have about yourself, and increase your self-confidence.

Each day for 5 days you will receive a video to watch with an exercise to do for that day that will help you self-reflect, increase your self-awareness, learn, and identify how to move forward.

It was 10 years ago when I first ran the mind cleanse challenge and I have run it many times since. Participants have achieved amazing results. Here is what one person had to say:

"Thank you for the mind cleanse... I don't think it's any coincidence that I've been forging ahead in a way I haven't seen myself do before. I've pushed excuses aside and put myself forward with really surprising (to me!) results. I don't consider myself an under-confident person, but self-belief is something I have struggled with... However, my confidence in my own ability has grown. Thank you for giving me the encouragement to move myself to a new plateau. Your challenges were well thought out and well timed, too. Overall, it has been an extraordinary experience."

Previously I have always run the mind cleanse in a private group, but this time I am making it more accessible, and you can join the challenge here.

Once you have registered for the mind cleanse challenge, you will receive an email to your inbox each day with a short video telling you what the exercise for the day is. You will also receive a workbook to accompany it.

Here is what someone else had to say about it:

"This challenge really hit home because it forced me to deal with the fact that I'm holding back myself."

I look forward to you joining the 5-Day Mind Cleanse. Why not end 2023 with the self-belief and self-confidence needed to take you to the next level of your career and leadership journey in 2024?

Join the 5-Day Mind Cleanse here.


First published on LinkedIn.

If you are an introverted woman and a senior leader and want to increase your confidence, influence and impact, take my free assessment and get a report identifying areas to develop. You can take the assessment here.

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