Why a Conference for Introverted Leaders?

I first had the idea for a conference for introverted leaders 3 years ago but did not do anything about it. A few months ago, one of my coaching clients challenged me by telling me that I should put on a conference for introverted leaders because it is needed. Having given it some thought, I have decided to rise to the challenge.

Research suggests that there is an unfavourable bias toward introversion in the workplace (Wilmot et al 2019, McCord & Joseph 2020, Blevins et al, 2022), and it is something that I have found in my research as well.

My research looking at how introverted women leaders experience belonging and psychological safety in the workplace showed that research participants had faced challenges in the workplace because of their introversion. This was due to misconceptions and a lack of understanding of what introversion means, and workplaces favouring extraversion.

My LinkedIn newsletter has grown to over 113,000 subscribers and I regularly receive messages and comments from many of you sharing your experiences with me.

This in itself shows me that there is a need for a conference for introverted leaders to come together to create a paradigm shift and show the world that introverts make great leaders too. Here are 8 reasons why a conference for introverted leaders is needed:

1. Recognition and validation

It acknowledges the unique strengths and qualities that introverted leaders bring to the table, providing validation and recognition for their contributions.

It counters stereotypes that often associate leadership with extraverted traits, promoting a more inclusive view of leadership styles.

2. Skill development

It offers targeted training and skill development for introverted leaders, focusing on communication, networking, and other skills that may be challenging for some introverted individuals.

It provides practical strategies for leveraging introverted strengths, such as deep listening, thoughtful reflection, and strategic thinking.

3. Networking opportunities

It facilitates networking opportunities in an environment that is conducive to introverted preferences, allowing for meaningful and focused connections.

It creates a supportive community where introverted leaders can share experiences, strategies, and insights.

4. Quiet leadership strategies

It explores and promotes leadership strategies that align with introverted tendencies, such as leading by example, thoughtful decision-making, and fostering deep connections within teams.

It encourages introverted leaders to embrace their unique approach and find ways to leverage it for organisational success.

5. Building confidence

It addresses common challenges faced by introverted leaders such as being put on the spot in meetings and not being given the opportunity to process information before giving a response. And it provides tools to build confidence in these areas.

It offers a platform for sharing success stories and testimonials, boosting the confidence of introverted leaders in their capabilities.

6. Creating inclusive environments

It raises awareness among organisations about the value of diverse leadership styles, fostering a more inclusive environment that accommodates both introverted and extraverted leaders.

It encourages organisations to recognise and leverage the strengths of ALL team members, regardless of their personality traits.

7. Strategic leadership development

It focuses on developing strategic leadership skills, emphasising the importance of thoughtful planning, strategic thinking, and long-term vision, attributes often associated with introverted leadership styles.

8. Understanding and appreciating differences

It promotes understanding and appreciation among leaders of different personality styles, fostering a culture where introverted and extraverted leaders can collaborate effectively.

It helps break down potential biases or misconceptions related to introverted leadership.

In summary, a conference for introverted leaders is needed to celebrate and support their unique contributions, provide tailored development opportunities, and contribute to a more inclusive and understanding organisational culture. This recognition of diversity in leadership styles can lead to more effective and well-rounded leadership teams.

So, to sum up... why a conference for introverted leaders?

Because it is needed.

Join me in London on 13 September 2024 for Quietly Visible: The Introverted Leaders Conference, the first-ever conference for introverted leaders. To be informed of when tickets go on sale and to receive an exclusive discount on the price, you can join the waitlist here.

If your organisation wants to take a lead in this paradigm shift, there are sponsorship packages for the conference available. Email admin@aboundingsolutions.com to find out more.

What else would you add to this list of why a conference for introverted leaders is needed? Please let me know in the comments.


First published on LinkedIn.

If you are an introverted woman and a senior leader and want to increase your confidence, influence and impact, take my free assessment and get a report identifying areas to develop. You can take the assessment here.

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