Every year millions of people worldwide make New Year resolutions and set goals but research in the US shows that only 8% of people actually achieve their New Year resolutions, which is shockingly low.
We often give up and put the blame on external factors saying things such as ‘we don’t have the time’, or ‘we don’t have the money’, or ‘no one will give me a chance’ etc.
Deep down if we are honest with ourselves, we know the real reason why we are not achieving our goals which is often not due to external factors. It is usually something that we have control over, often falling into one of the following categories:
• Lack of Focus
• Fear
• A lack of confidence
• Overwhelm
• Lack of clarity
• Not being consistent
• Unrealistic
• Fear
• A lack of confidence
• Overwhelm
• Lack of clarity
• Not being consistent
• Unrealistic
This causes us to procrastinate, or become distracted by shiny objects, thinking we can find a shortcut to getting the results we want.
You have it within you to achieve what you set your mind to but it requires developing the right mindset. In this interactive session you will dig deep and identify the real reason why you are not achieving the success that you want.
You will then identify what you need to do to stay focused, consistent, overcome the fear and overwhelm and get results.
As we enter the final quarter of 2016, if you want to make sure you're on track to achieve personal, career or business success before the end of the year, you don't want to miss this virtual workshop.
Don't let this year end with you no further forward than when it begun!
Who is this for?
This is for you if you are fed up of not getting the results you want in your career, business or personal life and want to set yourself up so that you still achieve success in 2016.
Wednesday 7 September 2016 7pm BST
What next?
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