5 Reasons Why Women are Fearful of Starting Their Own Businesses

If women were to start their own business at the same rate as men in the, it would mean 1 million more women entrepreneurs.  Just imagine what this would do for economic growth. I come across many women who are unhappy, unfulfilled and fed up at work.  They want to make a career change, quit employment and want to start a business but …

5 Reasons Why Women are Fearful of Starting Their Own Businesses Read More »

Are Financial Fears Stopping You Leaving The Day Job to Start Your Own Business?

The thought of having their own business and working for themselves is something many women in their forties are longing to do. Increasingly, more and more of my clients are in this position themselves. Tired of the ‘politics’ that comes with corporate life or breaking through the glass ceiling, only to have to contend with the glass wall, is driving women out in their droves.